Recommended equipment
Below is a list of recommended equipment that should be part of your hiking gear. A more specific list can be sent according to each hike in my programme.
Summer equipment
- Hiking clothing adapted to the expected weather conditions
- Waterproof high-top hiking boots with non-slip soles (no trail shoes)
- 25 to 35 litre hiking bag with rain cover
- Wallet (identity papers, cash, insurance cards)
- Mobile phone
- Sun protection (hat, sunglasses, sun cream, possibly long clothing)
- Personal pharmacy
- Water bottle (1.5 litre minimum)
- Lunch
- Snacks (cereal bars, oilseeds, dried fruit, etc.)
- Swiss Knife
- Headlamp
- Toilet paper and a small dustbin
- Waterproof clothing (hooded jacket, trousers)
- Jacket, thin gloves, hat
- Anti-tick spray
Optional summer equipment, depending on the route planned
- Hiking poles
- Camera
- Binoculars
- Gaiters
Additional winter equipment
- Waterproof winter clothing (hooded jacket, trousers)
- Warm gloves and hat
- Snowshoes and poles with large washers
- Avalanche equipment certified UIAA (avalanche transceiver with 3 antennas and new batteries, aluminium shovel, probe 240 mm minimum)
Additional equipment for nights in a hut
- Silk sleeping bag
- Towels and mops for washing without a shower
Additional swimming equipment
- Bath slippers (optional)
- Swimsuit
- Towel